Lil Bugz You Can Eat 4 Pack | Edible Insects | Scorpion - Black Ants - Superworms - Crickets
Lil Bugz You Can Eat
- Scorpion
- Black Ants
- Superworms
- Crickets
Lil Bugz You Can Eat offers four tasty insects in affordable sample-size packages for your culinary pleasure.
Whether you want to eat bugs for health reasons or novelty, Lil Bugs are fun to try.
These sample packs have enough bugs for you to try and share with friends and family. Get ready, when you share Lil Bugz, reactions range from total disgust to “I LOVE IT!”. This is no ordinary food, and it causes a commotion.
Yet, people all over the world eat insects and humans have included them in their diet since the dawn of humanity. Culturally, eating bugs isn’t very common here. So, despite the fact that they’re raised humanely, use way less water and land than other livestock, and are sustainable, nutritional powerhouses. And, yes, they taste good. There are around 2,000 different insects on our planet and every one tastes different.
LIL BUGZ YOU CAN EAT is here to help you overcome your cultural fear.
People have been eating bugs forever because they’re packed with bio-available protein including essential amino acids. They’re a great source of iron, calcium, zinc, B12, and Omega 3. They’re also a prebiotic fiber (nutrition for probiotics) and super high in antioxidants.
And eating bugs is fun! It’s an educational experience everyone gets a kick out of.
A culinary adventure you, your friends, and your family will never forget.

We have a program that pays you for sales generated from your effort marketing edible bugs. If you can market edible bugs, you can earn an income from the sales generated.
Edible Bugs are a Novelty & a Health Food
There's a huge market out there. It ranges from people who buy an edible scorpion to dare their friends to people that buy crickets for health reasons.
Crickets are very nutritious. They offer real animal protein that includes all nine essential amino acids; they’re a prebiotic fiber (nutrition for probiotics), a perfect Omega 3:6 balance, high in B12, antioxidants, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and much more. Eating insects is good for you.
So, if you have a way to increase exposure of these novel and nutritious products, you can create an income.
Use our products and marketing materials for your website, blog and social networks to market edible insect products.
Here are examples of marketing materials you can use: