Culinary Quality Scorpions | 250 scorpions | Edible Insects | Edible Bugs
Manchurian Scorpions
(also known as Edible Armor Tailed Scorpions)
Scientific Name: Mesobuthus martensii
250 Scorpions per Jar
Is that a real scorpion? Are you going to eat it? Isn’t it poisonous? Are you nuts?!
These small and dramatic scorpions definitely have the ‘WOW‘ factor. Imagine a salad with a few scorpions sprinkled in, cupcakes with real scorpions on top, Jello with scorpions encased inside. There are so many ways you can use scorpions to shock and amaze your family and friends. It’s no surprise that in Las Vegas, scorpion shots are popular.
Some say Manchurian Scorpions taste like shrimp, others say the taste is unique and has to be experienced.
But, aren’t they venomous? Manchurian Scorpions are venomous when they are alive but soon after they die, the poison goes inert and can no longer harm you. A lot of people even eat them whole, stinger and all. Although, most like to remove the stinger before they eat them.
Here’s your opportunity to try one. This is a new food for North America. Scorpions currently have the ‘it factor’ for contemporary cuisine.

We have a program that pays you for sales generated from your effort marketing edible bugs. If you can market edible bugs, you can earn an income from the sales generated.
Edible Bugs are a Novelty & a Health Food
There's a huge market out there. It ranges from people who buy an edible scorpion to dare their friends to people that buy crickets for health reasons.
Crickets are very nutritious. They offer real animal protein that includes all nine essential amino acids; they’re a prebiotic fiber (nutrition for probiotics), a perfect Omega 3:6 balance, high in B12, antioxidants, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and much more. Eating insects is good for you.
So, if you have a way to increase exposure of these novel and nutritious products, you can create an income.
Use our products and marketing materials for your website, blog and social networks to market edible insect products.
Here are examples of marketing materials you can use: